News of WFC Dynamo Moscow | Information for fans going to support the team in St. Petersburg. Official club website Dynamo..

The match of the 4th round of the final stage of the Women's Football Super League against Zenit WFC will take place on Saturday, November 18, at the Smena stadium and start at 14:30 Moscow time

The address of the Smena Stadium (field No. 5), where the meeting with Zenit will take place, is:

St. Petersburg, Akademicheskaya metro station, Vernosti Street, 21.

Dynamo fans are allocated seats in sector 6. To enter the grandstand, you need to purchase a ticket. You can do this online on the official website of Zenit WFC using this link:


The cost of the ticket will be 100 rubles (50 rubles for children).

You don't need a fan ID to enter the stadium!

To make a purchase, use the promo code: WDN2-GUEST

News of WFC Dynamo Moscow | Information for fans going to support the team in St. Petersburg. Official club website Dynamo..

Food outlets and storage lockers for items prohibited in the stands are located within the stadium. The locker service will operate from the beginning of the fans' entry until an hour after the end of the match. Items with hazardous properties, as well as items whose use and/or storage is not allowed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, cannot be stored temporarily.

We kindly ask you to refrain from using pyrotechnics and other prohibited items, racist chants, and remind you about the stricter penalties for offenses during football matches. Thus, a fine ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles or arrest for up to 15 days, along with a ban on attending matches for one to seven years, can be imposed for severe rule violations.

Please arrive early to avoid queues at the entrance areas and support your team from the very first minutes

Let's support the girls together! Go, Dynamo!