Happy Birthday, Nastya!

# Anastasia Orlova
News of the Sports Club "Dynamo" Moscow | Happy Birthday Nastya! Official website of the Dynamo club.

Today, Anastasiya Orlova, defender of the Dynamo youth team, celebrates her birthday.

Nastya started playing football at the age of 10 under the guidance of her first coach Yulia Motorina. While playing for the youth team of Lokomotiv Moscow, she played in the positions of central striker, central midfielder and central defender. In the 2022 season, Anastasia won gold medals in the Youth League as part of Lokomotiv, which then beat our team at the end of the season.

In January 2023, Orlova joined the Dynamo youth team. In total, Anastasia has already played 28 matches in the Youth League for the blue and white and scored 3 goals.

We congratulate Nastya on her birthday and wish her to repeat her great success as part of our team!